There is nothing in Scripture, be it the Hebrew Scriptures or the Greek Scriptures, that condones the insertion of a penis into a male anus in mimicking heterosexual intercourse. Let's please be frank about this. It's a distortion of how humans were designed to function sexually, be it for procreation or marital recreation.
Bullocks. There are a plethora of examples of homosexuality in nature. To say it's unnatural is demonstrably wrong as it is part of nature.
You say you want to be frank but make disengenuous nature claims.
It's also completely nonsense to say homosexuality isn't addressed but gay sex is; that's like saying, "the bible lets gay people love each other all they like as long as they don't actually have a relationship."
But this post's title is correct: Jehovah loves gay, lesbian, and transgender people.
Statements like this make me upset. The only way you can believe this is to be completely delusional. "I love you, but if you don't change your ways I will kill you personally."